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Software Developer

  • C++
  • Java
  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • DSA
  • OS
  • Algorithms
  • Sorting
  • Data Structures
  • Graphs
  • Recursion
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Big-O Notation
  • APIs
  • How to test your code
  • Mathematics (such as n-choose-k programs)

The whole interview process takes 2 to 2.5 months to complete. Google interviews for software developers consist of 5 to 7 interviews in total. This includes an initial phone screen with a Google recruiter, followed by 4 to 6 on-site interviews with different Google employees. All coding challenges are done on a whiteboard, Google Docs, or a Chromebook.

Round 1: Coding Round or Pre-Screen
  • Conducted after resume shortlisting.
  • They make the candidates write codes on sharing tools.
  • Duration: 45 Minutes
  • Another phone interview may be conducted if they are unable to access the candidate in the first one properly. The Google employee will test you with coding questions related to data structures and algorithms. You will solve these on a Google Doc, using around 20-30 lines of code.
Round 2 : Technical Coding Round and General Analysis Questions (OnSite Interviews)
  • The candidates are tested on whether they can solve real-world problems using the knowledge of data structures and algorithms and give the most optimized solution.
  • Opinion based questions where they analyze the candidate's thought process.
  • Language based questions may also be asked.
  • Find the longest geometric sequence in a binary tree.
  • Reverse a linked list without extra space.
  • String manipulation which can be solved using recursion.
  • What are you looking for in a workplace?
  • Various workplace scenarios and how will the candidate react to them?
  • What makes you suitable for the job?
  • Introduce yourself and your project.
  • What is your favorite Google product? What would you do to improve it?
  • What accomplishment are you most proud of?
  • Design a class to efficiently find the Kth largest element in a stream of numbers. The class should have the following two things:
  1. The constructor of the class should accept an integer array containing initial numbers from the stream and an integer ‘K’.
  2. The class should expose a function add(int num) which will store the given number and return the Kth largest number.
Round 3 : System Design Round (OnSite Interviews)
  • This round is to keep a check on the overall ability to test, design and scale technical based systems like Gmail, YouTube, Uber etc.
  • Build a system for online booking in a restaurant.
  • Design discussion involving a distributed system with writes/reads going on at different sites in parallel.
  • Develop a game.
  • Focus Area: Data Structures and Algorithms
  • During the telephonic interview, communicate your approach to the interviewer i.e. think loudly and clearly.
  • Practice some coding questions and revise all core concepts thoroughly.
  • There can be 4-6 Rounds of Onsite interviews. These onsite interviews will heavily focus on coding, focusing on data structures and algorithms. The on-site interviews also feature behavioral interview questions to assess who you are as a potential employee. Google wants to see that you fit with their company values, so be sure to prepare for behavioral interviews as well. Behavioral interviews at Google test how you act in employment-related situations or conflicts, both positive and negative You can expect three types of questions: ● Past experiences ● Hypothetical situations ● Values-based

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