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  • Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning,Verbal Ability and English
  • There will be a time of 45 minutes for 40 questions.
  • Quantitative Aptitude (20 Questions) and 10-10 from the other two.
  • A separate section of English is also there.
  • Sql/DBMS
  • Excel
  • Machine Learning and Python is a plus
  • The interview round is divided into 2/3 Rounds:
Round 1: Puzzle + Guesstimates Interview
  • how many trees there are in your college
  • the famous 25 horses top 5 fastest question
  • How many tourists visit in a year in your city
  • Use 4 fours to make 13 using any mathematical operation
  • How many trees are there in your college?
  • Which floor egg will not break?
  • How can you cut the cake into 8 parts in three cuts?
  • Guess the number of footballs sold annually across the world.
  • Guess the number of warehouses needed in Bangalore for Flipkart.
  • Guess Netflix's revenue in India.
  • Guess the number of ping pong balls you can fit in a Boeing 786.
  • Guess the number of red cars in Bhopal.
  • Using 8,8,3,3 make 24. You are allowed to use bodmas operations.
Round 2: Technical Interview :Technical questions with some mathematical approaches
  • SQL Queries
  • How does Random Forest work?
  • Guess the probability of meeting your friend in a mall on any random day.
  • Give the factors to consider while launching a new credit card into the market.
  • How can we stop overfitting in case of decision trees.
  • A business case Study can also be the touched upon area.
  • Explain different types of sql joins.
Round 3: HR Interview/CV Round
  • This is the final round.
  • The time will be up to 8-10 minutes.
  • Do you want to go to a core company?
  • Why EXL?
  • Basic Resume Questions about aspirations 2 years / 5 years / 7 years down below the line and Strenths and Weakness.
  • For how long do you think you will work for the company?
  • Why do you want to join analytics despite having a core branch?
  • Tell me about yourself.
  • What was the impact of covid on your life?
  • Why do you want to join this company?
  • What do you think a business analyst does?
  • How can you benefit our organization?
  • Name 5 headlines that happened this week.
  • Why do you want to be an analyst?
  • Tell me one thing that you are really passionate about.
  • How would you approach and solve a problem of conflict within two teams and still get things done under tight timelines?
  • Following courses are recommended
  • Sql from w3 schools
  • Python for Everybody
  • Digital Marketing Course by Google
  • Excel by CFI
  • Practice Probability questions
  • Technical Interview at times might ask about Business case Study as well.
  • Get familiar with some basic business terms when applying for Consultancy or analytics based companies
  • Make some of your informed decisions strategy approaches that might help you in the interview
  • Follow Top down approach and MECE to solve the business cases
  • Practice Making a strategy in the below business cases:
  • Profitability : To measures to increase the profit margins
  • Market entry : Calculating risk factors while entering into the new Market and strategizing the same
  • Growth : Possible reasons for the revenue drop in a sector, possible reasons and solution for the same
  • Pricing : At what pricing the New product to be launched and the factors considered to reduce the risk
  • Product launch : Minimising the risk in launching a new product considering the customer behaviour and need. The Approach that can be followed in different sectors
  • You should search about that company before going to interview.
  • You must have good knowledge about the role of a job for which you have an interview

Below are the points if you have an experience of 1/2 Years

  • In technical Round, expect a lot of Questions related to your core
  • If you have mentioned python/ML do revise the basic concepts well
  • Solve some good case questions to get through the intevriew

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